Rocky Mountain Perinatal Institute



The Research Arm of the Origin Health Family

ROCKY MOUNTAIN PERINATAL INSTITUTE (RMPI) will be created to optimize perinatal outcomes in non-urban environments — A Western Montana focus with a worldwide impact.

Currently, Rocky Mountain Perinatal Institute is still in the planning phase. The statements about RMPI contain Dr. Fausett’s vision for its work and his plans to use it to facilitate guidance, resources, and a focus for rural families and healthcare providers in order to optimize perinatal outcomes.

The institute has two primary missions. First, to translate and perform obstetric research for the non-urban environment. Second, to elevate the quality of care in western Montana through patient and provider education, shared educational resources, collaborative development of checklists, protocols, policies and referral guidelines, and quality improvement data sharing and analytics.
Despite over one-half of the deliveries in the US occurring in non-urban environments, the great majority of obstetric research is performed in urban environments. The associated findings and conclusions have significant limitations when applied to non-urban environments. The institute supports original perinatal research targeting non-urban reproductive aged women and “translates” existing research from the urban environment to the non-urban environment.

Dr. M. Bardett Fausett, founder, is currently practicing Maternal-Fetal Medicine with Origin Health Maternal Fetal Care, in Missoula. Prior to retiring from Active Duty service, Dr. Fausett led the obstetric program in the Department of Defense. In that role, he developed worldwide guidelines, checklists, and patient and provider tools for delivering obstetric care in many small DoD obstetric facilities. His quality improvement efforts continue to have a positive impact on the DoD. His involvement with the National Perinatal Nutrition group has helped guide FDA perinatal nutrition policies.

In rural Montana and beyond, pregnant women, their families, and their medical caregivers are indeed heroes. The complexities of pregnancy are made even more difficult by our rural state and region. RMPI recognizes the extensive short and long-term impact of pregnancy complications on the mom and all the individuals in the family.

Our purpose is to facilitate quality improvement and provide guidance, resources, and a focus for rural families and healthcare providers. We are committed to optimizing perinatal outcomes. By courageously collaborating with moms and caregivers, we want to help make YOUR STORY — your BIRTH day — the best possible!
